We are lucky for a small County, to have an excellent Rating Team with three fully qualified and experienced Lead Raters, four other newly qualified Lead Raters and five additional volunteers. We use the USGA Course Rating System which is the standard upon which WHS is built and has been in operation for both men and women for over 10 years. MORE INFO
Wiltshire Golf is an Area Administration Authority for the World Handicapping System (WHS).
The World Handicap System™ is designed to welcome more players, make golf easier to understand and to give all golfers a handicap which is portable all around the globe.
Wiltshire Golf currently has four active Rules Officials, three with the highest (Level 3) qualification and one with Level 2 (with another four currently attending the England Golf Level 2 Rules School).
As part of your club membership subscription, you pay an annual affiliation fee to England Golf. There are a host of benefits available to you with your membership. Visit englandgolf.org and you will discover a host of information, benefits and discounts (including free personal liability insurance).
Wiltshire Golf is a member of the National County Card Scheme. The scheme exists to provide the opportunity for golfing members of affiliated clubs to play on over 1200 courses in England at a discounted green fee rate - subject to certain conditions.